Our partners from The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”) participated in EuroNanoForum which took place in Sweden, from the 11th – 13th of June. The purpose of research and innovation for advanced nanomaterials were discussed, highlighting the synthesis of inorganic oxide nanoparticles.
3rd Press Release
2 December 2023
The 3rd press release is out. In this feature, you will find a short video explaining the summary of the project up to date. https://youtu.be/gi2frLgb-b4
25th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication – LPM2024.
1 December 2023
Mark your calendars for June 11-14, 2024, and join us in Donostia-San Sebastián for an unforgettable laser experience! Within SUSAAN Project, CEIT will test the
M18 Consortium Meeting in Athens
8 November 2023
With the participation of the 13 partners, we have concluded the third SUSAAN-EU Project general meeting M18, two days filled with insightful discussions, work updates