5th Newsletter
5th Newsletter is out! In this issue: 1. SUSAAN progress in Antimicrobial and Antiviral Testing 2. SUSAAN synergies and collaborations with its Sister Projects 3.
SUStainable Antimicrobial and Antiviral Nanocoating
SUSAAN is a project founded by European research and innovation programme. This project is coordinated by LUREDERRA, and it involves 13 partners in 7 countries.
The novelty of SUSAAN Project is to carry out the synthesis of inorganic, biobased and hybrid nanocoatings with enhanced functionalities considering the scaling up of these materials in three industrial sectors: Metallic, Plastic and Textile.
The project SUSAAN will have as main objective to develop in an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way, antimicrobial and antiviral nanocoatings in order to minimise risk of spread infections from harmful pathogens…
SUSAAN will contribute not only to overcome actual problems of risk of spread of infection on pandemic period but also to create healthier living and working environment and to improve citizen health and enhance public health…
The SUSAAN project will work in the production of sustainable by design antimicrobial and antiviral nanocoating with a holistic approach considering from the beginning main challenging aspects such as fast response and durable…
5th Newsletter is out! In this issue: 1. SUSAAN progress in Antimicrobial and Antiviral Testing 2. SUSAAN synergies and collaborations with its Sister Projects 3.
The 4th Newsletter is out. In this edition you will find:
From 23 to 26 April 2024, our SUSAAN-EU Project partners from VirHealth are participating on the 20th edition of #Techtextil (Leading international trade fair for
SUSAAN-EU Project has made a remarkable impact at BIOKET 2024 in Reims, France, the premier forum for bio-based products. Arditec Association, represented by Jose Gallego, joined
Our partners from Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) hosted a workshop showcasing the SUSAAN-EU Project, synthesis of antiviral and antimicrobial nanocapsules, chemical modification of bio-polymers and the potential
The third Newsletter is here, read about SUSAAN-EU Project progress at M18, technologies and events. Stay Tuned! Click below to download the Newsletter!
Marta Mateo García de Galdiano
Project Coordinator
Centro Tecnológico Lurederra
E-mail: marta.mateo@lurederra.es
Project Email contact