
Category: News


SUSAAN project at the BIOKET 2024

SUSAAN-EU Project has made a remarkable impact at BIOKET 2024 in Reims, France, the premier forum for bio-based products.  Arditec Association, represented by Jose Gallego, joined


SUSAAN was present at IVW Research Colloquium in Germany

Our partners from Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) hosted a workshop showcasing the SUSAAN-EU Project, synthesis of antiviral and antimicrobial nanocapsules, chemical modification of bio-polymers and the potential


3rd Press Release

The 3rd press release is out. In this feature, you will find a short video explaining the summary of the project up to date.


NSCR participated in EuroNanoForum 2023

Our partners from The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”​) participated in EuroNanoForum which took place in Sweden, from the 11th – 13th


2nd Press Release

During the first year of the project, the consortium had the opportunity to present the SUSAAN Project objectives and its potential impact in different scenarios,